Building Management System
Conventional building control functions usually include monitoring and controlling the environmental applications in a facility, including heating, ventilating and air conditioning (HVAC), humidity, building air pressure, lighting, fire alarm systems, utilities systems, plant security systems, safety interlocks, energy management and conservation.
The technological boom has brought with it advances in every field, including building operations, and has made the role of the property professional an ever-changing one. New technologies are designed to make buildings run more efficiently and to assist property professionals with day-to-day tasks.
New technologies, standards and open protocols all help businesses become more efficient. Integration helps building owners and management professionals adapt to a rapidly changing, technology-driven business environment. Having an integrated building management system in place that facilitates improved communication, productivity and efficiency through the use of globalized internet, e-mail and video-conferencing. Streamlined systems – simplified operator access to multiple systems, centralized information and systems that is able to communicate with one another – improve building performance; reduce operational, management and maintenance costs and increase tenant attraction and retention, which, in turn, increases workplace performance
With costs of installation and maintenance available for almost any budget, clearly now is the time for building owners and management professionals make the choice for a highly intelligent building automation and control system.